

We live and breath innovation and are constantly improving our product and ourselves. We therefore welcome feedback, partnership opportunities, demo requests, event opportunities and also just a simple “hello”. 


Upload your document
with a simple drag and drop.

Our user interface is created with simplicity in mind,
select multiple files at once or simply drag files that you
wish to upload in a simple drag and drop area.



As soon as the system receives your files, the machine learning engines start working. They extract the correct fields and link documents together.


View your documents

Your documents are ready to view and use. Extracted parts are highlighted and selected fields are jumped to straight away. This way you will always find what you are looking for.


Search and generate reports

Once you need a question answered, use the advanced search option to search for all documents that meet your criteria. Then download these in the form of a comprehensive report and open it in excel for possible further processing or integration with other systems.

How it Works

Template Management

Not only do we manage your created documents but we also store and make your templates easy to find.

keep track of your work

Never lose a template

Our version control system keeps track of all your edits and changes so that you don’t have to.

Track approved changes

Mitigate risk

Clauses and templates can be standardised and approved, so that risk is automatically mitigated when creating a new contract.

Work together

Share with your team

Teams work together, make sure the right people have access so that everyone can get their work done.